No Time for the Gym? Try this 10-Minute Micro Workout

It’s the start of a new season and a great excuse to refresh on your personal goals for the year. If fitness was at the top of your 2022 resolutions, but your workout routine has gone a bit stale, then we have the solution for you: micro workouts.

A micro workout is a high-intensity workout circuit that takes less than 10 minutes out of your day. We're serious, just 10 minutes, which is only 1% of your waking hours. We know it sounds like a bit of a shortcut, but, research suggests that a 10-minute workout with at least 1 minute of very high-intensity exercise can deliver similar benefits to a 60-minute session at a moderate intensity.

We don't advise swapping all of your workouts to these short burst circuits, but they are great to have in your exercise arsenal. We love them during busier periods because consistency is so important when it comes to reaching your fitness goals. Having a go-to, quick workout will help you stay in the routine of regular exercise.

This routine is made up of a 5-move circuit that you’ll repeat twice without taking a rest break. It alternates between 60-second strength moves and 60-second cardio bursts. You want to keep a fast pace throughout the whole routine to keep your heart rate up, but be sure to maintain good form during the strength moves and then really push the intensity up during the cardio.

The only equipment needed is a sturdy chair or step and hand weights are optional to increase the intensity of the workout.

10-minute cardio & strength micro workout

low squat to reverse lunge

Low Squat to Reverse Lunge for 60 seconds

Stay in a low squat to keep your glutes engaged and alternate which leg you reverse lunge on. Focus on keeping your knees and toes pointing forward and core activated, and try to go as fast as you keep while maintaining good form.

star jacks

Star Jacks for 60 seconds

This is your first cardio push! Form is always important but try to push the pace here and gently elevate your heart rate.

overhead press

Overhead Press for 60 seconds

If you don't have hand weights you can create tension in your fists to create light resistance. Water bottles also will also do the trick!

Elevated Mountain Climbers for 60 seconds

This is your second cardio push! Really give it your all. You can make it harder by placing your hands on the ground, or easier by doing these at a slower pace. The faster you go, the higher the intensity.

Upright Row for 60 seconds

If you don't have hand weights you can create tension in your fists to create light resistance or get creative with household items! Make sure to keep your shoulders relaxed, you don't want them crimping up towards your ears!

Repeat the above circuit twice for a 10-minute micro workout!

For more micro workouts and other routines you can do in under 20 minutes, download the MBody app!


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